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Islam is a major Religion that over one billion people in the world celebrate, Islam also happens to originate from the Middle East, and is a large part of the Middle East, it includes Mohammed The Prophet and his encounters, it includes the Holy Book The Quran, The 5 Pillars of Islam Islam, and the divide of the religion.


To begin, Islam was started in the 7th Century CE where it was reported that The Angel Gabriel appeared before a man named Mohammed and told him to start reciting the word of God. Soon enough he did, and he was given the name of Prophet and told people of his encounter with The Angel Gabriel.


Continuing on, what was told to Mohammed by The Angel Gabriel was eventually written into a book that would become known As the Holy Book of Islam, The Quran. The Quran was written with the words of the Angel Gabriel. And because of this the Holy Book is not considered to be the word of the people, but rather the word of God.


Next, we come to The Five Pillars of Islam, these pillars represent basic acts that are sometimes considered obligatory for a follower of Islam to commit. The First Pillar of Islam is the Shahada which says there is no god but God. The Second Pillar of Islam is Salat which says you should prayer five times a day. The Third Pillar of Islam is Sawm which says you should do a month long fast during the month of Ramadan, The Fourth Pillar of Islam is Zakat which says Muslims must give a part of their income to the poor. And lastly the Fifth Pillar of Islam is the Hajj which says all Muslims should try to visit Mecca, the city that Mohammed was born in, at least once in their lives.


Lastly, after Muhammad died,  there was a divide in the followers of Islam. The followers of Islam decided they did not need a religious leader since their religion was established, but rather a political leader. They called their leader a Caliph, and Abu Bakr was the first to become Caliph, Muhammad's father in law. However, many people thought that Mohamed's son in law should have become the first Caliph, and thus this created a divide in the Islam religion. People who believe Abu Bakr is the true first Caliph are called Sunni Muslims, and those who believe Al should have been the first Caliph are called Shia Muslims.

To conclude,  Islam is one of the most celebrated and significant religions in the world, it introduced Mohammed to all of the world, it introduced The Quran, it introduced The Five Pillars of Islam, and it created a divide in what should and shouldn’t have been. Islam is a very important religion in the world, as it is one that is very much celebrated, and we should respect its place and all of its followers in our world.

Religion and Ethnicities of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan's Religions and Ethnic Groups:

The People of Azerbaijan are mostly Muslims with 92 percent of the people of Azerbaijan being Muslim. 85 percent of Muslims are Shia Muslims while 15 percent of Muslims are Sunni Muslims. There are various Ethnic Groups in Azerbaijan, however, the majority of people in Azerbaijan are Azeri people, originating from this country. The other Ethnicities of Azerbaijan are minority groups, such as Russian people, Talysh people, and Polish People.

-"Nerdfighteria Wiki." Nerdfighteria Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017. <>.

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