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Geography and Climate

Azerbaijan's climate consists of warm summers, and very cold and dry winters. Azerbaijan can also be split up into three climate zones, one north of the mountainous regions of Azerbaijan, one south of the mountains, and one along the coast of the Caspian Sea. The climate zone north of the mountains is known for its severe weather patterns and it's very cold weather in winter. However, The climate zone south of the mountains is known for less rain, warmer summers, and milder winters than the climate zone previously mentioned. Lastly, The climate zone upon the costal areas of Azerbaijan is significantly warmer than the zone north of the mountainous region of Azerbaijan.

The Water Shortage Crisis:

In the middle east, there has been an issue of Water amount as of late. Water has been becoming a scarce resource increasingly in the middle east, and is estimated to continue to become even more scarce. Being that this issue is in the Middle East, it effects the country I am currently studying, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan takes 18th place on the list of the Top 33 Water-Stressed Countries by 2040. Azerbaijan has shown plenty of ups and downs in Water supply, in 2014 Azerbaijan received a drought and irrigation due to the intense heat. In the spring of 2015 there was plenty of rainfall which let to a greater water supply, but also in 2015 it is expected that the summer will yield a drought, causing desertification and irrigation preventing the growth of fruits and vegetables.

Sources/External Links:

-"Azerbaijan May Face Water Shortages." N.p., 08 July 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. <>.

​ "Aserbaijan." WeatherOnline. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. <>.





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